Burton(occasionally assisted by The Black Lotus) and a small team to infiltrate an area which holds several POW camps. they do somewhat make up for that by having several very interesting scenarios, however, such as having to complete a mission before the international opinion of the country reaches zero, taking a large island occupied by enemy forces using guerrilla tactics and using Col. That's a good thing, because the campaigns are only five levels each.

The single-player portion, in addition to the campaigns and skirmish mode, now include something called General's Challenge, which is essentially a tournament mode(between the generals, all of which have interesting personalities/strategies), which makes this expansion last longer. That's 9 generals in total, each of which has unique weapons and abilities(of course at the cost of others, but fair's fair), specific to what they specialize in(such as laser, super-weapons, stealth.), and they *really* make things entertaining and open up for quite a number of different strategies and exciting battles. it also adds some helpful features(though there is still something of a lack of detail, status bars and overview), and three "generals" per side, reminiscent of the different countries feature of the multi-player side of the Red Alert games.
This upgrade adds some new units and changes some of the old ones. Finish the GLA off once and for all, or aid them.

and a new leader has emerged among them, one who just may be able to gather their forces and become a threat. the war seemed won, but the GLA just barely survived. This upgrade picks up after the end of Generals, its parent game.